Would You Drain the Pool?
“I need to drain a commercial pool that has a high cyanuric acid level. The property has two adjacent spas that the property manager wants to keep open while the pool is draining. I’m concerned that the empty pool could be a safety hazard since people will be using the spas. What should I do?”
Arrow Insurance Service insures pool service techs maintaining over 500,000 swimming pools in the United States. Over the past 30 years we have handled multiple claims and lawsuits for injuries sustained by people falling into empty pools. Some of these accidents have been very significant, with more than one involving paralysis. Lawsuits were filed against the premises owner, property manager and swimming pool service technician in these cases under a theory that the empty pool represented a foreseeable hazard and that it was negligent not to provide barrier fencing.
I strongly recommend that other pools and spas within the immediate area of a drained pool be closed while work is performed on an empty pool. Alternatively, the empty pool be enclosed with portable fencing if closing the entire area is not an option. Doing so will limit your legal your liability and that of the property manager.
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