My client received a request from a home warranty company asking him to replace a inoperable backwash valve. When arriving at the residential pool he noticed drain covers were missing from both the pool and spa. How should he react and what is his risk if he just replaces the … Continue reading →
I received this telephone call today from a pool tech who explained that his customer’s pool is leaking. A leak detection company has accepted the job to repair the crack but won’t drain the pool citing liability concerns. The company is smart to be concerned. The water from the leaking … Continue reading →
“I need to drain a commercial pool that has a high cyanuric acid level. The property has two adjacent spas that the property manager wants to keep open while the pool is draining. I’m concerned that the empty pool could be a safety hazard since people will be using the … Continue reading →
We wanted to share this excellent piece of advice we saw today in the Swimming Pool Industry LinkedIn Group by Myles McMorrow:
“This is to remind you that many drain covers installed the first year of the law are now expired due to the UV rating only being good for … Continue reading →

An increase in requests by banks to drain and leave pools empty is causing concern among pool techs in light of predictions that 2010 will be a wetter than normal year. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently announced El Nino, a climate phenomenon with a significant influence on
… Continue reading →